LETTERS: For and against Castlegar’s community dumpsters

Two readers share their views

Thumbs down

I’m disappointed and perplexed by the City of Castlegar’s pilot project plan to provide residents with two community dumpsters from July 1 to Nov. 20 while bears are active. I see this as an unprogressive garbage-enabling plan that flies in the face of a present and integral earth stewardship momentum to lessen our carbon footprint. Our community requires and deserves healthy proactive pilot projects and incentives that acknowledge the climate crisis and value of earth’s ecosystems. We don’t need a hall pass entitling us to maintain our human garbage making.

Kari Burk, Castlegar

Thumbs up

Thank you to the city for providing a solution for disposing of our smelly kitchen waste in the alternate weeks. We dropped a bag at the Pioneer Arena a few days ago and it was wonderful to get rid of it. Thank you!

Chris Datchkoff, Castlegar

READ MORE: City of Castlegar plans to offer dumpster for small amounts of summer garbage

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