LETTERS: Freedom of conscience

LETTERS: Freedom of conscience

Editor: Our MP campaigned on a promise to bring concerns and values of constituents to Parliament.


Our new MP, “Gordie” Hogg, campaigned on a promise to bring the concerns and values of his constituents to Parliament.

But it seems he’s more interested in toeing the party line.

He had the gall to lecture your readers last month, claiming his support of the Canada Summer Jobs attestation on abortion rights was really a matter of upholding the Charter (Clarifying the context, Feb. 7 letters). But he joined his Liberal cronies in voting against last month’s motion which would declare the primacy of freedom of religion and freedom of conscience.

Those massive election signs with “Gordie” and Trudeau virtually hugging were an ominous sign that our MP would be slavishly tied to “Mr. Dressup.”

Paul Griffin, White Rock

Peace Arch News