LETTERS: Glad to have more aboard

Re: Distraction from waterfront, May 27 letters.


Re: Distraction from waterfront, May 27 letters.

For the last couple of years, I have been one of the people who have been complaining about the trains – the escalation of railcars, the noise, the smell, etc. – but to no avail.

Things just kept getting worse. Last year was especially bad when the traffic was diverted up the hill because of the road work on Marine Drive. I just gave up and thought it was best to keep my mouth shut because nobody cared. I was hoping the roadworks at least would be fixed by this spring, but no, everything is worse than ever.

I have become really apathetic. I did not bother to purchase my parking pass for the promenade, because I didn’t wish to go down there. I leave this area as much as possible to find more peaceful places like Crescent Beach or South Surrey to walk.

When I hear the usual trains that come during the day, I turn the music or the TV up, or just plug my ears and wait until they are gone.

I was so glad to see in the Opinion section of the Peace Arch News last Tuesday that people are still voicing their opinion.

D. Barros, White Rock



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