LETTERS: GMO foods no concern


Re: Petition takes on GMOs, April 1.


Re: Petition takes on GMOs, April 1.

Canadians have access to one of the safest and most abundant food supplies in the world, thanks in part to plant biotechnology.

All new crops undergo extensive safety reviews by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Health Canada to ensure they are safe for people, animals and the environment.

When it comes to labelling, Canada currently labels based on nutrition and safety. To label GM (genetically modifies) foods would imply there is a safety concern where there is none. Consumers already have the choice to purchase non-GM foods through organic labeling.

Trillions of meals containing ingredients from GM crops have been consumed without a single substantiated case of any adverse health impacts.

As we approach 20 years of GM foods in the marketplace, I encourage consumers to never settle for anything less than science-based information on foods grown with GM technology.

Ted Menzies, CropLife Canada



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