Letters: Going green in Sooke

A response to an editorial in the Sooke News Mirror

Thank you for giving me my first “belly-laugh”  of the new year.

Your editorial stated that it is necessary to have both a laundromat and a car wash — a car wash — in Sooke in order to show by example that we have green initiatives.

Please be good enough to inform your readers the length of time you have been living in a cave.

I do thank you for your thoughts. Reading your editorial following a full working day gave me pause to consider that perhaps in the darkness of our winter, just perhaps, we can all be a little bit heartened, not only that we seem to have a responsible new municipal council, but also by the fact that the newspaper has declared it is time for the beginning of the “silly season.”

I was only a little disheartened that in your attempt at “going green” you did not follow through and attempt a business plan protocol for such an endeavour.

My own such future vision would include the premise that the car wash attendants and the water filters be both clothed in material made of hemp. Sort of like cheesecloth, but made of hemp fibre.

And, in order to be completely in tune with every other politically-right-left-thing-to-do, attendants — attendents, would be equally sexed.

But then, I merely throw out the suggestion.

Peter Wilhelm

Sooke News Mirror