LETTERS: Good neighbour, bad bylaws

Someone please explain this to me. We live in a cul de sac.


Someone please explain this to me.

We live in a cul de sac. When we got that first big dump of snow, my husband used our plow to take care of the snow in the entire cul de sac and at the end of everyone’s driveways. Our entire area was beautifully clear, and the snow was pushed into the dead centre of the cul de sac, which is exactly what the plow truck does. It was far away from where anyone drives and even the garbage and recycling trucks were able to handle it no problem.

So we did ours, and the ends of five other people’s driveways so everyone had a completely clear exit and entrance in our area.

A following morning I woke up to a “Good Neighbour Bylaw” warning that we could be fined $100 if we do it again, because the snow was pushed into the centre, exactly where the snow removal trucks always push it, because there is no where else to put the snow here. The front of our property has boulevard parking, so there is a three foot wall with a foot of bushes on it. We have to lift the snow more than four feet and as soon as it starts to pile up it’s almost impossible to get it up and over the wall.

So here we thought we were being good neighbours, and now we get a warning that next time we’ll be fined if we do it again. I guess someone didn’t like that we helped them, because how else did bylaw even know it was us that tried to help everyone? I guess we’ll only ever do our own now.

Jaz Douillard

Williams Lake

Williams Lake Tribune