LETTERS: Gun dangers underplayed


Re: No charges yet in parking-lot gunplay, Nov. 30.


Re: No charges yet in parking-lot gunplay, Nov. 30.

The use of the word “gunplay” in your headline is ridiculous and dangerous.

The individuals involved were not playing. There was nothing playful about it. This was 3 a.m. by a retirement home and hotel in our neighbourhood and we are incredibly fortunate that nobody was seriously injured in the gunfire.

Yes, gunfire. It’s a much more appropriate word. Same number of letters, too! It was even used within the article, but whoever wrote that irresponsible headline decided to go with “gunplay.”

These guys weren’t playing laser tag. This wasn’t paintball. This was real, live ammunition from weapons that can kill.

To use such light language on such a serious topic is baffling but worse, it sends a message that this was nothing to be worried about.

If a group of men and teens were shooting guns in your backyard, would you call 911 and report “gunplay”?

Chris Hamilton, White Rock




Peace Arch News