LETTERS: Have a regard for people

Writer suggest people think carefully before slagging someone in a letter to the editor

I have always found the ‘letters’ section of newspapers to be informative, touching at times, and often very funny; the part along with the comics that my father called the “educational” sections.

I have also contributed fairly often to this useful community conversation, but with due respect for basic facts and the people with whom I may disagree. I’m reading fewer and fewer letters to the editor, however, as I find far too many of them coming from writers who appear to have little regard for simple facts (easily checked) and even less regard for the people they are attacking (I use the word advisedly). I do not disagree with the papers printing these letters as censorship would be much worse; however, the writers’ apparent attitude of ‘don’t ruin a good story with a few facts’ after awhile becomes boring when it isn’t bordering on libelous.

As to those who repeatedly go after public figures, elected or otherwise, in a manner that is completely negative and disrespectful, I would state the old adage about walking a mile in someone else’s shoes.

I sometimes wonder if these writers have ever been in a position of having to make hard decisions, set aside or modify their own wishes and values for the sake of the majority, or otherwise put themselves in the public eye and thus become ripe for criticism.  If they have, they should be more understanding (even if they continue to disagree); if they haven’t, then some humility is in order.

The vast majority of people in public office are there because they truly want to contribute to their community/province/country and in my experience an equal number of public/civil servants are hardworking and dedicated.  Whether one likes the results is another matter with which one is free to agree or not, but only with honesty and a regard for the people involved.

Eva Durance



Thanks from Ice Girls

A team of 13 aspiring softball players participated in a very successful fastball camp during the month of August, culminating in the Pepsi Challenge held in Langley from Sept. 12 –14.

The Ice Girls’ head coach, Jeff Korven, worked tirelessly with each player during their nine hours of practices a week.

The team’s hard work was evident in the level of ball they played in Langley. Mention must also be made of the assistant coaches who gave up their valuable time.  Without their dedication, the Ice Girls would not have attained the success they did.  The team’s manager, Kim Brazinha, also spent many hours planning and organizing.  This was truly an amazing experience for the girls and, as a parent, I was really impressed with the camp.

The Ice Girls held their practices at Columbia field in Penticton which has its own batting cage and now, thanks to the generosity of various businesses in town, an equipment shed has been built.

Special thanks to Daryl from Retro-Fit who built the shed.  Moduline Industries supplied the lumber while Windsor Plywood donated the shingles which were installed by Brian Cutler Real Estate.  The roof was constructed by Frost Contracting and the garage door was donated and installed by Okanagan Door Service.  The shed protects all the ball equipment from the elements and allows for easy access.

Thank you to everyone who made this possible.

Lucy Woodhouse



Paying your taxes isn’t enough

Congratulations Steve Boultbee for having the courage to support Garry Litke.

Having been a councillor and mayor myself, I know firsthand how difficult it is to please people. In all the years I have known Litke he comes across to me as an honest and deep thinking person with few if any biases; he is there for the people.

In my 17-plus years in municipal government here and in Fernie, B.C., I have found few people that run and get elected that are there for the good of themselves. Being on council is a difficult job, hard on the person elected and even harder on the family that supports them.

It is said that one asks for criticism once elected, which might be true, but is it true for the family? Something to consider when running for office.

Council when informed by staff usually makes the right decisions. Not sitting at the table makes it difficult for the outsider to see all of the angles to a problem or concern. It would be great to have that crystal ball when coming up with the answers. Hindsight, in many cases, off course is the best, as one has the answers.

For many years I,  both as mayor and councillor, attended the municipal  conventions and must say that I have never regretted being there because of the wealth of information I received for not only myself but indeed for the entire community. I always came home with goodies, so to speak, and as far as I am concerned, a disservice occurs when a community is not fully represented.  Again, it is hard work to lobby, listen and attend all the different meetings, sometimes boring – no holiday or picnic as some seem to think. These conventions are there for a reason and one should use them to further the goals of the community at large.

Those who run for office should do this without bias. I encourage people to run and if not run, vote. If you don’t vote you don’t have the right to complain. Paying your taxes alone is not enough; one has to be involved and aware before making comments. As mentioned before, it is the future we are voting for.

Gus Boersma

Former Mayor and Councillor


LNG pipe dream

Could it be that Premier Christy Clark may not realize her dream of fracking and shipping LNG,  at least on her proposed timetable by the year 2020 ?

Now the fracking and shipping of LNG has Christy Clark saying “British Columbians will  one day benefit from LNG investment.”

Well, that one day could be one of many tomorrows that will never come. Christy suggested there is a supply of LNG that could last for 150 years. Mark that on your earthly calendar to remind the population, if any at the time, of what and who got fracked by whom?

Citizens of B.C., place your order now for a tank full of laughing gas as  the smiles start to fade. The pile gets bigger and the flies stay the same.

Ted Azyan



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