LETTERS: Help us help others

For the last number of years, we at the Penticton & District Stamp club have been contributing towards several charities.

Many people ask me: “What can you do with the Canadian and American common stamps?”

For quite a while I didn’t have an answer to that question until I was informed by Joanne Cornish, member of the local Eastern Star Chapter that the Eastern Star Ladies have been collecting common stamps for years and have raised close to $500,000 through the sale of these stamps nationwide. Individually, these stamps have no value but in bulk it starts to amount a lot for charity, in this case to Cancer research.

For the last number of years, we at the Penticton & District Stamp club have been contributing towards several charities with the proceeds from the stamps that we receive, organize and auction off. We encourage people not to throw away any stamps or stamp material that comes into your home rather put them aside and donate them whenever you can — a little bit goes a long way.

Everyone and everything has a value and we should appreciate and be thankful that we can do something to make a difference. Donations and or questions can be directed to Gus Boersma, 2600 Cornwall Dr., Penticton, B.C. V2A 6X3 or gboersma@telus.net or call 250-492-3875.

We thank you for helping us to help others.

Gus Boersma, President

Penticton & District Stamp Club



Penticton Western News