LETTERS: Here is a reason to care

Tom Fletcher scoffs at the idea that we humans may be contributing to climate change.

Tom Fletcher (Penticton Western News, Dec. 1, Inconvenient truths of climate change) scoffs at the idea that we humans may be contributing to climate change.

Our best efforts, he tells us (on the basis of some meager math, which could be countered by dozens of other less Republican-flavoured environmental maths), would enable us to reduce global warming by a mere 0.2 degrees by the year 2100. His point: why, then, bother?

It evidently doesn’t occur to Mr. Fletcher that if in the coming decades we managed to keep the heat down by any amount our poor earth would be gushing with gratefulness and we would consider ourselves very, very lucky indeed. He reminds me so much — Mr. Fletcher does, bless his innocent heart — of the fellow who, bent on denying the harm of cigarette smoking, kept mentioning his grandpa who, though a heavy smoker, had lived to be a ripe old 70, forgetting that had Grandpa not smoked he just might still have been around to enjoy life.

Ermes Culos


Penticton Western News