(Contributed photo)Cutline

(Contributed photo)Cutline

LETTERS: High demand for beach parkade

Editor: Photo shows the parking lot beside Bay View Park - zero street parking and every lot full.


The photo above shows the parking lot beside Bay View Park last weekend. There was zero street parking available and every lot was full.

Sunday was a beautiful day, and the promenade was crowded with everyone enjoying the perfect weather. What this photo does not show is the other thousand people in cars, circling the blocks and lots, looking for a place to park. If they had a place to park, would they go to one of the restaurants for lunch? Perhaps, but we will never know, because they could not find a parking spot and gave up.

Another question. The staff at all of these restaurants…where are they supposed to park?

Should they park up the hill and walk down? That does not sound like a very safe situation for women after dark.

Tell me again that we do not need that parkade (Residents protest at city hall, July 26, 2017)

I can walk to any restaurant on Marine Drive, but I get that others can’t and they need a place to park so they can both work and play on the promenade.

As an aside, so many of these commercial spaces on Marine Drive are sitting empty, yet there is no for-lease sign in the window. Who owns those buildings and why are they sitting vacant with no interest in occupancy?

If you want to keep ‘The Drive’ alive, provide more parking and penalize vacant-building owners who make the choice to leave the building vacant.

Karilin Hahn, White Rock

Peace Arch News