Letters: Hold to a higher standard

New residents angry with way council conducts business

As recent arrivals in Sooke, my wife and I took the opportunity to attend the recent all candidates forum at Edward Milne.

Ever since our arrival we had noticed a constant feeling of anger and disappointment over the manner in which the Janet Evans administration has conducted the town’s business. In fact we have not met anyone who expressed anything positive concerning the outgoing administration.

During the course of the forum it became abundantly clear to us why this was so.

Except for Councillors Berger and Haldane, the incumbants, seemed to speak from a common platform which could be categorized as “no matter what the residents want, we know better” or “we tell you, you (residents) do not tell us” even when that meant keeping residents in the dark on a range of issues.

It seems to us at this moment in Sooke’s history, that the town badly needs elected officials who welcome and embrace public input and make their decisions in the full light of day and take the time to inform electors. It is condescending to tell people to read council minutes.

We were equally surprised to learn that the CAO, having been recently apprehended driving in a less than sober state by the RCMP, still held office. In many jurisdictions such behaviour would trigger a resignation.

Public officials are surely expected to conform to a higher standard of conduct and accountability.

A new administration, absent most of the incumbants, would bring a breath of fresh air and vitality to this vibrant community.

D.R. Matland


Sooke News Mirror