LETTERS: Holiday husband column offends

Letter writer offended by Jim McGregor's latest column about 'shopping husbands'

LETTERS: Holiday husband column offends

Dear Editor,

A comment on McGregor Says [Shopping husbands will survive, Dec. 12, Langley Times].

Jim, I read your lament in the Langley Times. I shake my head.

It’s not the first time I’ve read your dribble and ended up with hand to head slap in exasperation.

I guess you think you’re funny, but I think you’re a dinosaur.

Not every husband is a helpless sap who carries a bag behind his so-called shopping wife, mumbling and grumbling and bent over “reduced to a shell” as you claim.

Some of us are blessed with husbands who eagerly search for gifts for their wives or a family member and quivers with anticipation to give that gift to that person.

He is neither downcast or grumbling, but has ever-so-delicately wrapped those gifts and has hidden them in a secret place until the day comes when he can give it to his loved one.

These men are the real men who take an interest in other people’s lives beyond “pushing the cart.”

And final note McGregor – the Three Wise Men were actually kings from separate countries bringing delicate and expensive gifts which they chose themselves. Perhaps a Biblical history lesson would serve you well.

Sandra Steffan, Willoughby

Langley Times