LETTERS: Honour past businesses, too


Re: Local businesses celebrated, Nov. 11.


Re: Local businesses celebrated, Nov. 11.

I read the article and was not only stunned and hurt but insulted that the Hilltop Salon of Beauty, which was the longest-standing salon in White Rock, was not a part of the City of White Rock celebration.

In 1961, Pat Nicholson opened the salon. It was right next door to the Bank of BC, now HSBC. And the address was 1483 Johnston Rd.

This was and is very much a part of White Rock history and needs to be mentioned.

It unfortunately was abruptly shut down and forced into bankruptcy, thanks to an accountant’s error in 1990.

So, I felt compelled to clear up this matter for the people and my family. Staff, who were a part of this family-owned-and-operated salon, were great and the memories will stay forever.

Patti Finnson, White Rock



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