LETTERS: Hopeful for a strong Canada

I’m always hopeful that someday we’ll have a representative who reflects the values we have grown to share today.

“I Am Canadian.” I love that phrase and I love this country. I’m home!

Though not very politically minded, I’m always hopeful that someday we’ll have a representative who reflects the values we have grown to share today.

Presently, this is what I value and hold in high regard:

*A Canada that recognizes the significant contribution of alternative or other cultures health practices which offers a preventative, wholistic approach to health and well being — and recovery from surgeries and illnesses without debilitating side effects from medications administered. It’s time to respect the request for an integrative medicine model and provide appropriate health coverage beyond the limitations of allopathic choices.

*A Canada that recognizes and values the significant contribution of aging individuals and replaces the outdated, condescending reference of Old Age Pension with Senior and Elder Entitlement, realizing that the needs of the 80-100 year old elder are much different than those of the 60-80 year old senior. Many of whom still maintain a healthy lifestyle, don’t overwhelm the health system  and  choose to remain in the workforce only to be financially penalized rather than encouraged for their efforts.

*A Canada that holds itself accountable for the inexcusable abuses and atrocities in the name of England, France, Spain, the Queen, the King, God, etc. against our own First People and recognizes that the truly unifying official second language of Canadians should be the official first language of Canada’s indigenous people.

*A Canada that will encourage heart centred rather than control centred leadership, based on a political candidate’s personal value system rather than law degrees or shrewd business practices. A candidate whose visions and ideals are inclusive, progressive, flexible and consistent with that of today’s Canadian. That’s who has my vote.

Happy Canada Day!

Kat Lucier



Penticton Western News