LETTERS: Idea is off the rails

Surely I am not the only one to think ripping out train tracks for scrap price is a short-sighted idea.

Surely I am not the only one to think that ripping out the Kelowna and beyond train tracks for scrap price to make a walking trail is a terribly short-sighted idea.

I see no reason why a trail and the tracks could not exist to serve the athletic, the less mobile and tourists alike. Yes, it would require the co-operation of the different governing bodies and volunteers of all stripes. People love trains, take note of the often sold out traffic on the short KVR ride in Summerland.

I see opportunities for the wine industry to become involved in such a project like the dinner and wine train in Napa. As a past member of the B.C. Railway society I know that people will travel long distances to ride trains. Count me as one.

Were such an idea come to fruition, a huge powerful locomotive would not be needed for this almost level track. Our country is littered by unused rolling stock easy to convert to the type of daily summer run I envisage.

I urge all involved with the purchase of this track to look to the future. Consider not destroying the asset, but instead have vision for the future and build upon it.

Alan Longworth

Okanagan Falls


Penticton Western News