Letters: Idiots parking on sidewalks

There are few enough sidewalks in Sooke without cars on them

To all the idiots parking on the sidewalk in front of the new Hope Building.

As a taxpayer, I cherish what little sidewalks there are in Sooke, and take much exception to those who so blatantly deprive me of them. I have witnessed school children, elderly people with canes, and mothers with their baby carriages having to access the busy roadway on Sooke Road to get around the various vehicles parked there.

I make it my business to try to locate these proud owners to address my concerns and get various reactions, ranging from profanity to endless excuses. Last week a man from the fire department was parked on the sidewalk (no emergency); he told me he had to talk to someone and didn’t plan on being there long. BUT maybe it would have been long enough for someone to have gotten hit by a car when walking around his truck.

I can’t understand why these people will not take responsibility for finding an appropriate place to park (P.S., there is a parking lot across the street). Or, do you find it too unsafe to walk across the roadway?

I would like to point out to everyone: Whose responsibility will it be, then, if someone gets seriously hurt or event killed? Shame!

Linda Bessant


Sooke News Mirror