Letters: ‘If you can’t stand the heat, get out … ‘

At a recent council meeting, Coun. Al Hogarth lashed out at the media for what he perceived has unfair treatment or coverage.

Editor, The News:

At a recent council meeting, Coun. Al Hogarth lashed out at the media for what he perceived has unfair treatment or coverage.

I disagree with his comments and feel that the media has done its job of reporting in a fair and unbiased way.

They have demonstrated professionalism in their reporting in every respect.

It is their job to report on our elected politicians and current local affairs that pertain to our community.

Some councillors may not like the close scrutiny, but that is part and parcel of being an elected politician.

If you can’t stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen.

As far has his comments on losing money from his business by serving on council, councillors are paid more than $42,000 a year, plus expenses, ranging upwards of $5,000.

That’s pretty darn good remuneration for services rendered.

Cry me a river.

You’re being paid a pretty good wage for your part-time job serving our community, in my opinion.

John E. McKenzie

Maple Ridge


Maple Ridge News