A cyclist crosses at a marked crossing at 32 Avenue and Semiahmoo Trail Drive. Residents complain that the crossing is inherently dangerous, while the City of Surrey says it meets the municipality’s safety standards. Full story can be found on page A29. (Tracy Holmes photo)

LETTERS: Improvements needed to South Surrey pedestrian crossing



Re: Neighbours call for improvements to South Surrey crosswalk, peacearchnews.com

I refer to the call for improvements to a South Surrey Crosswalk and am disappointed to note the response from the engineering department of the City of Surrey.

I live nearby and regularly use 32 Avenue at the location of the existing crosswalk. In addition, I am a former senior police officer in Hong Kong who has spent many years involved with traffic management; I am also a graduate of Northwestern University’s major traffic program and I consider myself well qualified to comment on this issue.

In my view there are two problems with the existing crossing that do not appear to have been considered. The first is “clutter.” By this I mean the street furniture (signage) as one approaches the crossing from the west, down the slope towards the traffic island. The number and positioning of the signs is directly in the sightline of any driver and serves as a distraction, especially because of the dark tree background – this should be addressed.

The second issue is that there is no refuge area on the south side of the crossing and therefore pedestrians stand back away from the crossing and are more difficult to see. Some minor engineering work should improve this aspect. I am happy to meet and advise as necessary.

Ian Tyzzer, South Surrey

Peace Arch News