Letters: In disbelief over designated driver ruling

I find it inconceivable that our government has allowed this loop hole and greatly fear its consequences.

Editor, The News:

My mother and I stared in disbelief when TV news reported that B.C. Supreme Court ruled designated drivers may not be covered in accidents caused by their inebriated passengers.

Both of us are shocked and I feel understandably appalled at this.

My boyfriend was equally stunned. Both of us share the wheel as designated driver among our friends.

This ruling comes as a nasty slap in the face to all the hard work our police, MADD Canada, Operation Red Nose, and so many others have done to keep drunk drivers off our roads.

I find it inconceivable that our government has allowed this loop hole and greatly fear its consequences.

I don’t need to remind people that every year we lose too many too soon to people who should never have gotten behind the wheel, so why should I have to remind our government?

Especially knowing graduation season is just around the corner, I don’t want to imagine the impact this will have.

I’m going to be speaking with our local MLAs and encourage everyone to do the same.

Together we can fix this before someone, one of our loved ones, gets hurt.

Kiersten Duncan

Maple Ridge


Maple Ridge News