LETTERS: Individuals help out

Letter writers express appreciation for help they've received.


I was so impressed with the quick response by White Rock public works yard and the city’s maintenance staff that I had to share.

My sister lives on Lee Street, and last Tuesday’s downpour left the end of her driveway a hazard, as she is visually and physically disabled.

I am here from the Island for a visit and went to the works yard Thursday. First thing Friday, a supervisor checked out the damage. Less than an hour later, a young man was here to repair the damage.

Kudos to all involved. Your community should be proud to have such a helpful, efficient workforce.

Jude Willis, Courtenay

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I would very much like to thank the Peace Arch Hospital nurse and the Canada Post lady who rushed to help me when I caught my foot and went flying across the sidewalk.

They helped me up, and the nurse, whose name I did not get, took me right into emergency and waited with me until I was checked in. The hospital was quick and efficient and very kind and in no time at all I had been X-rayed, had a CT scan and a beautiful purple cast on my arm.

Once again, many thanks to the nurse and staff at Peace Arch.

Gillian Leakey, Surrey



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