LETTERS: Inspiring volunteers


The White Rock South Surrey Hospice Society Thrift Store was a finalist in the Surrey Board of Trade Business Excellence Awards.


The White Rock South Surrey Hospice Society Thrift Store was a finalist in the Surrey Board of Trade Business Excellence Awards, and I write this to honour, recognize and publicly thank them and for all of them to see that their contribution is valuable and appreciated.

The society does amazing work in White Rock and surrounding community, and although I work there, this is from me personally, as they inspire me daily with their dedication and their commitment.

I hope to one day be just like them!

White Rock South Surrey

Hospice Thrift Store

A small group of women over tea and some cakes

Said “let’s open a store whatever it takes,”

Then promptly began gathering items to sell

In garages, or churches, where buyers would dwell

Packed in boxes and boxes, in and out they would go

Through seasons and years, their vision did grow.

Til one day arrived and they opened the door

To the White Rock South Surrey Hospice Thrift Store.

Now more than six years has passed since that day

It’s continued to grow, as they work and they play

And this group of volunteers over one hundred and some

Works together each week, has watched their store become

A place where volunteers and customers can share

Stories and friendships with others who care.

Always willing and smiling, stepping up to the plate

Making their community better, no not better, but great!

Still baking, still laughing – over coffee or tea

Sharing there’s no place today, that they’d rather be

Never saying maybe, or we might, or we should

That’s how you became – the little store that could!

Becoming friends and companions, a family of love

This nomination recognizes, all you dreamed of.

From the Surrey Board of Trade, this nod from your peers

Is in appreciation of you for all of these years.

It honours and values each and every one of you

For the time you have given, for all that you do.

And those that came before, and those that have gone

Will know that the vision and legacy carries on.

So you’re already winners in the art of giving

And you’re already winners in the art of living

Your hometown honours all you continue to do

So congratulations to all and a heartfelt thank you.

Victoria Biggs, Langley



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