Letters: It’s time for justice to be done for José Figueroa

Editor: Regarding the case of José Figueroa and the treatment of him and his family, I feel outraged.

When a federal court declared he was not a terrorist, and demanded Citizen and Immigration Canada to restart his permanent resident application and Canada Border Services Agency was told to cancel the deportation order against him—nothing was done.

When the warrant for his deportation caused him to hole up in a church (as a prisoner), separated from his family—this caused great anxiety and grief for all.

What has happened to our country—the land of liberty—that even when a ruling comes from the federal court, nothing is done?  Why? And who is responsible for making this family suffer so?

I have been proud of my homeland—“the true north, strong and free” and I say: Let justice be done—set the man free.

Let him have the opportunity to work and support his family. Let him experience the true democracy, justice and freedom of  Canada.

Frances Duncan,


Langley Times