LETTERS: It’s time to take a stand


I have spent many days over the past two years as a soccer dad driving my son to the South Surrey Athletic Park.


I have spent many days over the past two years as a soccer dad driving my son to the South Surrey Athletic Park for practices and games.

Without question, this park has amazing state-of-the-art sports facilities that any community should be proud of, including some amazing urban park trails.

While enjoying these gems with a hike or a run on many evenings, I have also been troubled by the number of cars that were broken into in broad daylight. There wasn’t a week that went by that I didn’t see smashed windows or evidence of shattered glass on the ground.

On the weekend, my family and I became the latest victims, as our vehicle was broken into at the urban park across from the athletic park.

Maybe it was just another walk in the park – albeit an expensive one – or should the raft of incidents move the City of Surrey, RCMP and the public band together and once and for all to get rid of the thugs who prevent us from enjoying such a delightful gem?

Dwayne Weidendorf, Langley



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