LETTERS: Justice delayed


Re: Bacon trial set for 2018, Sept. 28.


Re: Bacon trial set for 2018, Sept. 28.

Did I really read that part of the reason the Bacon matter had been put off is that his defence “is crafting an application for a stay in proceedings.” And then it goes on to say that if the application is successful, Bacon would be set free.

I am ashamed of the judicial system in B.C. It angers and scares me that a man such as Jamie Bacon can afford to hire the kind of lawyers needed to file such an application; that he can afford to hire lawyers capable of postponing his trial year after year after year.

There is only one thing that angers and scares me more, and that is that we have judges within our judicial system here in B.C. that are willing to continue to sign these applications that continue to delay proceedings. Shame on them.

(Editor’s note: Defence delays are not be factored in a decision whether to issue a stay of proceedings.)

My heart and prayers go out to you, Eileen Mohan, for the indignities that you continue to endure at the hands of those who are participating in this misuse of justice.

Is it any wonder we support the methods of the vigilante groups?

C.J. Carey, White Rock



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