LETTERS: Kelset PAC hopes trail access remains

You can ask any education or health professional what the benefits of walking and being in nature are to children.

On behalf of KELSET Elementary PAC (Parent Advisory Council) we would like to take this opportunity to state our urgent concern regarding the application for the reuse of the Dunsmuir Property, which will result in the closure of the natural trail system as accessed by Cresswell Drive.

Since KELSET opened its doors in 2008, walking on the trails has become an integral part of our children’s physical education program. Weekly walks are necessary to fulfill the physical education curriculum requirements at KELSET due to lack of available gym time resulting from the school operating at nearly maximum capacity.

The Dunsmuir property trails are unique as they are the only walking routes which offer the children access to nature. Our school has a wonderful balance of children with a variety of cultural backgrounds and they all deserve to experience this enriching natural environment.

You can ask any education or health professional what the benefits of walking and being in nature are to children.

This should be of utmost importance to the District of North Saanich.

With access to nature increasingly shrinking we cannot stand by and let this opportunity be lost due to development and profit, especially when this property was donated for educational use.

We would like to invite any interested representatives to come and walk the trails with us and allow us the opportunity to prove the extremely negative impact closing these trails will have on our school.

Jennifer Langard and Laura Veasey, co-presidents KELSET School PAC, North Saanich

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