LETTERS: Kindness not uncommon

I’m thinking this is more typical of young people today than we give credit for.


I live in Cloverdale and drove to the Peace Arch Hospital for X-rays.  Once in the parking lot, I realized I didn’t have my wallet.

I really did not want to drive home and come back, so I did something I wouldn’t have done when I was younger (I’m now 70). I approached a couple of young guys at the meter and asked them if they would pay for an hour. I offered my email address where they could contact me and I could reimburse them. They said that they would split the cost, paid for two hours and told me, “Don’t worry about it.”

They made my day and I think this is an anecdote that should be shared. I’m thinking this is more typical of young people today than we give credit for.

Margaret Campbell, Surrey



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