LETTERS: Kindness of our community


In spite of the bad news we read these days, there are some wonderful folks living in our area.


In spite of the bad news we read these days, there are some wonderful folks living in our area.

I returned home from a great adventure in humanitarian service Saturday after spending the morning weighing bags of food to be delivered to the food bank. Generosity of White Rock/South Surrey residents, in one day, provided 3½ tons of food for our local food bank.

During the week, volunteer families of a local congregation, for their annual Thanksgiving food drive, delivered hundreds of brochures and bags at the doors of residents – no door knocking, no asking for money, just a request for non-perishable food.

Then, Saturday morning, bags of food left at their doors by generous local families were gathered by these same volunteers and delivered to the church, where we volunteers weighed them. Contents were sorted and packed into boxes provided by the food bank; also, their trucks hauled the boxes directly to the food bank.

It was all over by 1 p.m., and the food bank was supplied with enough food for months of operation.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has been providing this help to the local food bank for years. Congregations across B.C. and Alberta make food drives annually.

As many kind families in our locality have a real desire to help the needy, these projects make it easy for them to do so.

Barbara MacPhee, White Rock



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