Letters: Know the rules of the road

Unsafe driver puts other drivers and pedestrians at risk

To the ignorant driver of the blue Dodge 4 x 4 with rear Willie Dodge plate covers making a right turn from Murray Road onto Sooke Road towards the Sooke town core, please, please, review correct driving rules before you hurt someone.

On Friday, August 2 around noon time, you took it upon yourself to push your way through the intersection unsafely and posed a risk to myself and other drivers too.

First, you did not come to a complete stop at a red light.

Second, you failed to yield to traffic proceeding on an advanced green light (from Otter Point Road), nearly smashing into my front right fender (red Ford Ranger). When I honked at you to let you know you were in error, you then proceeded to fling your arms in jesters of disgust towards me as if I was the one at fault.

Please, please, do everyone a favour and review the correct driving procedures listed in the BC Driver’s Guide from ICBC for navigating such an intersection so you pose the least amount of risk to others.

I am certain any of Sooke’s RCMP members would be more than happy to also review the proper driving procedures with you for that intersection as well.

We would all like to get home safe and sound.

Sherie Welsford


Sooke News Mirror