
LETTERS: Lack of trust in politics should come as no surprise



Re: Annis slams slate for doctoring photo in ad, Nov. 26.

I’m not a political person, but the article in Peace Arch News about the Safe Surrey Coalition doctoring a photo and misquoting Coun. Annis on their Facebook page really bothers me.

What bothers me the most is that after having been informed by Black Press Media of the photo being doctored and Coun. Annis being misquoted, Couns. Elford and Guerra of the SCC didn’t have any problem with it, and didn’t think the post should be taken down.

So for the benefit of the SCC, here are some of the things that are wrong with doctoring photos and deliberately misquoting your opponents for political gain:

· It’s deliberately untruthful and misleading;

· It encourages the proliferation of “fake news”;

· It’s divisive;

· It discourages respectful discourse on political issues;

· It encourages a race to the bottom, much like we have seen in the U.S. political context – not something we should aspire to;

· It’s lazy.

If the SCC have concerns with the position that Coun. Annis takes on an issue, by all means they should raise those concerns. But they should do so using facts, not doctored photos and quotes taken out of context.

If this is just political “business as usual,” is it any wonder why citizens don’t trust their politicians and are disengaged from the political process?

David Godwin, Surrey

Peace Arch News