LETTERS: Lame excuse

I will wager dollars to donuts that most Canadians don’t know the name of our country’s Ambassador to the United Nations.

I will wager dollars to donuts that most Canadians don’t know the name of our country’s Ambassador to the United Nations.

Give up? It’s Guillermo Rushchynski. On Nov. 22 a resolution was introduced to the UN General Assembly by Russia, sponsored by Pakistan, Cuba, Rwanda and other countries, calling on all participating nations to condemn all forms of racial discrimination and xenophobia.

The resolution in part unequivocally condemns any denial of the Holocaust, bans erecting monuments to former members of the Waffen SS or actions that otherwise glorifies Nazism.This resolution was adopted by 115 countries of the 193 member body. There were 55 abstentions including all European Union nations. Three countries actually voted against this condemnation of Nazism, and by doing so it would appear, are OK with this evil ideology.

The countries that voted against this resolution that condemns all deeds and actions which lead to the glorification of Nazism were the United States, Ukraine and Canada! A spokesman for the Canadian delegation told the Jerusalem Post  that in presenting this resolution,  Russia was “seeking to limit freedom of expression, assembly and opinion.”  What a ridiculous, repugnant and lame excuse. Not so proud to be Canadian eh, with guys like Rushchynski representing Canadian values!

Brian Gray

Independant Candidate

South Okanagan West Kootenay



Penticton Western News