Letters: Live within our means

Financial responsibility should remain the goal of District of Sooke council

Open letter to mayor and council:

I will be unable to attend your meeting on Monday, having planned to attend and speak to financial responsibility.

It has been seven years since my having retired to Sooke, over this period my property taxes have increased six times. During this period, several 100 homes have been built and the population growth had been near 2,000. If bigger growth means better, why is it necessary to increase taxation in the face of such growth and with this as an example when would increases ever end?

Why are the combined efforts of a mayor, council, accountant and staff collectively unable to restrict people to be no more than income.

Every day each of us goes home to where we live within our means, we are all very aware that we must do so. Why, when pooling our efforts and funds as a community, district, does this rule of responsibility and restraint no longer apply? Yes, we the people, would like sidewalks and roundabouts but, may I suggest only as and when we can afford them. To do otherwise is perhaps for some other expediency and is not financially responsible. I would like to pave my driveway and purchase a new vehicle. I cannot and will not do either until I can honestly afford to.

If one objective is to put Sooke on the map, may I suggest that as a district, live within our means would most certainly draw notice and attention, provincially and even nationally.

With sincere appreciation for your efforts on our behalf.

O.B. Whiting

Sooke News Mirror