Letters: Loss hard for senior

Loss of cash in bank machine difficult for Sooke resident

I’ve got a lot on my mind these days, and when distracted I tend to forget things. This afternoon I went up to the ATM at the Chevron station to get some money out. I put in my card, keyed in my PIN, rejected the receipt, took my card back and left. Half an hour later I realized with a sick feeling that I had left the money sticking out of the machine, $200.

I’ve travelled a lot and unfortunately have done a lot of stupid things, including getting off a train leaving a purse with my passport and all my money on a seat, and getting separated from my purse with everything in it at a crowded airport at 3 a.m. And always, my possessions made it back to me intact. Except for today.  The $200 was gone, and it made me sad. More because it was not turned in than the loss of 200 bones, although that hurts too.

I just hope the person who left with it needed it more than I do. Hey. whoever you are, I’m retired and on a fixed income.  Thanks a lot.

Nancy Davies


Sooke News Mirror