Letters: MacNab off base

Letter writer defends Elizabeth May and the "tipping point"

If the Sooke News Mirror is going to allow MacNab to nab at least two columns or more of the letters section, please encourage him to provide sources for the facts used to dispute highly educated folks like Ms. May. Though the frequent letter writer may not like her use of imagery, May is in agreement with 98 per cent of the world scientists that carbon emissions have escalated since the Industrial Revolution at an alarming rate. The frightening consequences of the last 150 years of human life cannot be shushed away by referring to life hundreds of millions of years ago. Life was so different then that this data cannot be used as a viable comparison. (see http://planetforlife.com/gwarmglob1000.html)

I trust Elizabeth’s   academic training as a critical thinker. I am reassured by the fact that she has real life experience in the government and worked for the environment minister in the 1980s. I am impressed that she was smart enough to be part of the team who legalized acid rain agreements.

I don’t find it offensive when people share their alarm about climate change. I know I need to take responsibility for my ecological footprint. From the studies and animated discussions I have participated in, it is clear to me that the healthy life we have is very much at risk.

Usually, I see MacNab’s name and just skip over the predictable content. Tonight, I wanted to see if my perception was still accurate. Sadly, I have reached my “tipping point” and will no longer read his or her rants.

High school teacher, parent and taxpayer from East Sooke.

B.R. Sawatzky

East Sooke

Sooke News Mirror