
LETTERS: Marine Drive one-way a colossal failure of responsibility



Our household received notice June 1 of the ill-conceived plan by the White Rock mayor and select councillors to close a select section of westbound traffic on Marine Drive starting Monday (June 7).

The plan which has been categorically dismissed by the city manager, RCMP and fire department as a plan that is doomed to create safety issues and traffic chaos, seems to be a hot item with the mayor and the select councillors who voted in favour of this plan that some would say is not just outlandish, but bordering on insane.

Only two councillors had the courage to stand up for the thousands of residents affected by this illogical plan and I intend to support these councillors.

Just how many votes will the BIA get you in the next election?

This council, with the exception of Couns. David Chesney and Helen Fathers, are going to have some explaining to do when they end up spending tens of thousands of COVID-relief dollars on an ill-conceived plan that will fail when restrictions for full indoor dining are lifted, possibly as soon as July 1.

This is quite simply a colossal failure of responsibility.

Stu Ferguson, White Rock

Peace Arch News