

LETTERS: Masks a vital part of system for staying safe

Many thanks for offering questions for us to ponder


Re: “Masks part of common good,” letter from Brian Haley.

Many thanks to Brian for offering questions for us to ponder.

Two questions for you, Brian.

First, if helmets work in extreme sports like rock climbing, why the need for harnesses? And, if both the seatbelts and airbags work, why are there still laws regarding driving and traffic?

Now, to answer your questions.

We need masks on top of social distancing because:

1) Masks and social distancing work together;

2) Not all people are following the health guidelines (or sometimes we forget to) and thus, we don’t always stay two metres apart.

Vice versa for your second and third questions, it is because the number of cases are still going up, proving that we need to do more in order to flatten the curve.

If you have more thoughtful questions, they’re welcome.

A. Shi, South Surrey

Peace Arch News