Letters: Medical building needed

A full-service medical centre would be welcome in Sooke

Last week’s “We Asked” segment posed the important question: “If you could build anything in Sooke, what would it be?”

As expected, the answers eluded to general structures for recreation, animals or seniors. However, in my opinion, what is desperately needed, yet never mentioned, is a medical building that would effectively serve, not only everyone in Sooke, but the surrounding areas of Shirley, Jordan River, etc., in the case of emergency.

With foresight, one building could offer various basic medical services ranging from a emergency triage, diagnostic  centre and ambulance station to a dedicated walk-in clinic and doctors’ office, all under one roof.  As a public building, this could attract much needed family doctors as overhead cost wouldn’t be incurred by them, thus making  Sooke a uniquely attractive area to set up a practice.

Given the vulnerability of Sooke Road closures that essentially delay or cut off timely medical attention from being sought in Victoria General, one would be foolish to argue that since the proximity of nearest hospital is within the set provincial standard, all is just fine.  One accident, natural disaster or fire closing the only road into Langford is all that’s needed for lives to be endangered.

Andre Cleas


Sooke News Mirror