LETTERS: Mega-development is still too timid

Just what we need to revitalise downtown! My only criticism is that the project is too timid.

Re: The ANAF mega-development.

I was very disappointed to see in the PNR (29th April Page A9) that the ANAF mega-development has run into opposition since this is a downtown revitalization project that needs to be done. My advice to Art Finlayson and his clients is to remember Robert The Bruce and the Spider.

I can confirm that most major downtown redevelopments I have been involved in over the past 40 years have rarely come together at the first attempt, including Hillside Mall and The Bay Centre — both of which were held up for some time by land assembly hold-outs.

As proposed, this development would give us a new Town Hall (with a council chamber large enough for public hearings), a new library (enlarged so as to block its potential move to Panorama), a new, three-screen Star Cinema (thus ensuring its long term viability), a new larger ANAF (including the return of its banquet hall and public access to its wonderful museum), underground parking for  an estimated 200 and residential above.

Just what we need to revitalise downtown!

My only criticism is that the project is too timid.

Art and his clients should be bold like The Bruce and extend the development right through to Beacon Avenue, thus enlarging Tanners, providing a new two-storey Royal Bank, increasing the retail in between plus another 100-car parking lot and, again, residential above.

Remember the spider!

Richard Talbot, Sidney

Peninsula News Review