Letters: Mirror, mirror on the wall

Sooke letter writer takes aim at Sketchley's opinions

Mr. Sketchley must have worked as a highliner in the fishing industry the way he trolls out the right wing conservative doctrine.

It’s easy to debunk any kind of researched and documented science in this country when our ruling conservatives muzzle objective scientific studies and activities. Anyone who differs from the conservative scientific doctrine is chastised and labelled as an environmental terrorist. Sounds a lot like what goes on in China today. They certainly have a sound environmental track record… not!  And they are far from being any kind of democracy.

Misinformation was used by the Fascists in the 1930s as to discredit the scholars and intellectuals of the day.The ruling conservatives in our country are doing the same thing now and our democratic society is suffering dearly because of it.

I have to wonder what Mr. Sketchley sees when he looks into his mirror. It’s really not the vision of the glorious new day he seems to think it is. Maybe it’s time to get a new one.

Rod Nyberg


Sooke News Mirror