LETTERS: More fallout from tree letter


Re: Policy has more bite than bark, May 20 letters.


Re: Policy has more bite than bark, May 20 letters.

Welcome to White Rock, Kelly McNamara. I must say I was disgusted at the treatment you received as a newcomer to the city.

To state that a Type 2 permit on the webpage was $150 was one thing, but to then charge you $500 is another! The least the city could have done was to agree on the $150.

Now, the most serious point raised in McNamara’s letter was the replacement of one tree with five large trees! The lot in question is stated as small, so just suppose the old tree had a circumference of eight feet; she would need to replace it with a small forest, crowding her tiny lot, on top of which needing to pay $3,000 per tree to be held in trust!

Something is not right here, and this small-mindedness has to stop.

This is a city planning more growth than it can handle, and leaders are worried about a tree?

A. Cook, White Rock



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