LETTERS: More signage needed for traffic control

Sooner or later, someone is going to be hurt badly, or worse.

I noticed the line painters have been through town and I am unsure if they are finished here in town, but a couple of areas were missed.

There is a crosswalk on Warren Avenue by Cherry Lane Shopping Centre that was not done.

The second area that was not done is to repaint the “right turn only” arrows in the far right lane between Westminster Avenue and Riverside Drive. People have been illegally using this as a merge lane to get on the highway, causing near accidents with people trying to turn right onto Riverside Drive at the same time. I was almost knocked off my motorcycle in this manner last summer.

I brought up this concern to the public works manager via email, and he replied within a few hours that he had forwarded my email to the engineering department. I haven’t heard a thing back from them.

Was this particular lane designated as a merge lane? Then where is the signage?

Either the lines need to be repainted, or a stop sign is needed at the end of Westminster instead of a yield sign with additional signage below the “stop” that reads “do not merge onto highway from far right lane,” or both.

Sooner or later, someone is going to be hurt badly, or worse.

Mark Billesberger




Penticton Western News