LETTERS: Most feel they have no voice


At 22 years of age, my opinion means absolutely nothing to my government, the general public and maybe even to myself.


At 22 years of age, my opinion means absolutely nothing to my government, the general public and maybe even to myself.

I’ve been sitting here wondering why that is; why I feel that my words hold no weight. Is this how our government had wanted it?

I’ve examined people around me in their 40s and 50s. You know the type. They went through school, they studied hard, they had kids, raised their families, and they trust their government.

Meanwhile, their children were taught much of the same things they were. All the basics of compliance.

Schools don’t teach you to have a voice and to speak up for what you know is right, they don’t teach you to be fearless in speaking your mind or even show you that you have purpose in this world. This is something you have to work hard to find within yourself after untangling the fears wrapped in your mind.

They shuffle you around instilling fear in you. They show you, exactly, how to mindlessly follow – with the exception of very few teachers – and they teach you “practicality,” which actually just means “your dreams are too big, think smaller because that’s what you are.”

There is no other logical explanation as to why the vast majority of people feel like they have no voice. Our voices have been slowly taken away from us in such a way that we believe it is ourselves stifling that voice. We have been taught how to stifle ourselves and believe it’s our place.

I will not believe this lie that’s been forced down my throat too many times. I strongly oppose Bill C-51. I won’t let them make it legal to stifle me, and you shouldn’t either.

Devon Munro, Surrey

Peace Arch News