LETTERS: Mount Baker well recharge is a myth

I am an oldtimer and have lived in Sidney for the past six years.

Re: Gateway lands.

I am an oldtimer and have lived in Sidney for the past six years.

I believe the 10 acres of the Gateway project should be left alone as it likely will take away from Sidney and not induce traffic.

The only traffic is the ferry traffic and it heads south towards Victoria.

Furthermore, the observation well on the above land that a letter writer speaks of, was installed by the Ministry of Environment years ago and is an observation well.

I know, as I used to work for the Ministry. There is another well on Mills Road but this well has since been abandoned.

I am a groundwater hydrogeologist and although the Town of Sidney at one time did have wonderful, deep wells, completed in fractured bedrock known as granodiorite (an igneous bedrock) recharge to these wells does not come from Mount Baker but rather these wells are locally recharged. The Saanich Peninsula is fortunate having this type of bedrock. Mount Baker recharge is a common myth.

Bill Stephen Hodge, Sidney

Peninsula News Review