LETTERS: Museum deserves a home

Shame on Christy Clarke and her tragic incomprehension of history.

The highly disturbing news that the Maritime Museum is likely to close permanently, brings home to us the utterly reprehensible, historically ignorant mind set of our government.

To let this museum of our capital city, whose history is so much infused not just with  the nautical development of Victoria, but all of our province, just  disappear is nothing less than a crime! It illustrates fundamental disrespect for the past. And this despite the fact that the 1977 agreement stipulated that the province provide a suitable facility for the museum.

Shame on Christy Clarke and her tragic incomprehension of history. She should immediately authorize the entirely reasonable rent subsidy that is desired, as well as the basic funds to staff the museum.

H.U.P. Edwards, North Saanich

Peninsula News Review