LETTERS: New meeting date for Penticton stamp club

We invite all our members, friends and new friends to our meeting.

The Penticton and District Stamp Club will be meeting on Sunday, March 29 instead of on April 5 because that is the Easter weekend.

We invite all our members, friends and new friends to our meeting which starts at 2 p.m. at the Penticton United Church (Blue Church on Main Street). For those who love to meet stamp friends on Saturday, March 28 the Valley wide stamp clubs will be meeting from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Penticton Public Library. Both meetings are open to the public and both will feature auctions in which members and non members can bid on stamp lots. Our Annual General Meeting this year will be at the Penticton Golf Course on Sunday, June 7. Luncheon will be at 1 p.m. and our featured guest speaker will be Janice Perrino, who will provide the members with a slide show on what the new hospital wing will look like.

Gus Boersma

president, Penticton & District Stamp Club



Penticton Western News