Efforts to bypass traffic to get to the turning lane is an accident waiting to happen, writes Margaret Shearman.

Efforts to bypass traffic to get to the turning lane is an accident waiting to happen, writes Margaret Shearman.

LETTERS: Nightmare conditions for drivers

An open letter to Surrey Mayor Dianne Watts.

I have a concern with the intersection of 144 Street and 72 Avenue.

An open letter to Surrey Mayor Dianne Watts.

I have a concern with the intersection of 144 Street and 72 Avenue.

When driving south, I have seen on numerous times, cars driving down the bike lane and even on the sidewalk to get to the turning lane.

This is a very common occurrence at this intersection, an intersection that has a convenience store on that corner with a cedar hedge as a blind spot, a bus stop and an elementary school a block away.

I am angered, frustrated and scared every time I see it, and honestly it happens about 25 per cent of the time.

The photo I have taken there (above) is not startling in itself, but this was actually the third vehicle in a row to drive down the sidewalk to reach the turning lane.

At the very least, perhaps installing a couple of parking posts between the bike lane and sidewalk would suffice.

At best, perhaps restructure this road so there is more room for people to get by safely.

Margaret Shearman, Surrey



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