LETTERS: No complaints about care

I have recently been released from Peace Arch Hospital and would like to comment on the level of care and attention I received.


I have recently been released from Peace Arch Hospital and would like to comment on the level of care and attention I received.

My admittance to the emergency department was handled very efficiently and immediate care along with appropriate action was taken. An urgent procedure was completed within a short time frame, mainly due to medical staff assisting above and beyond their call of duty.

During my one-week stay on the sixth floor north, I met many extraordinarily talented, committed professionals and commend them for not only the medical service provided, but also for their personal, friendly, helpful and cheerful attitude, which was evident on a daily basis.

The commitment to healthcare and patients on this ward is very evident and had a major impact in my attitude and dealing with my illness, as well as assisting in my recovery.

The ward also had a large number of patients with other medical conditions which require constant attention by the medical staff. All staff are to be commended as the commitment is significant and, I’m sure, is in addition to the normal medical requirements of other patients. In my case alone, IV/medication changes were required every few hours.

It is not uncommon to read/see complaints about the service by hospital staff – due to the mix of patients that require extra attention, there is bound to be unavoidable demands which could result in delays in providing prompt attention to other patients requirements. Hospital staff must and do “work within the system,” and as such it would appear to me it would be more appropriate to direct these concerns/complaints to politicians and health-care authorities who carry the overall responsibility for our health care system.

A big, heartfelt thank you to all the wonderful people who provided care to me, from emergency, lab, procedures and the sixth floor north ward – far too many to name but you know who you are!

Bernie Meier, Surrey



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