LETTERS: No reason to lose sleep


Re: Trainspotting in Crescent Beach, March 3.


Re: Trainspotting in Crescent Beach, March 3.

It seems guest columnist Jack Hartline is a lifelong lover of trains, and although he admits the sounds of the horns can “bolt (you) upright” in your bed and “pierce the air,” he actually enjoys them during the night as it’s a good sign that “no poor soul was going to get maimed or killed on our tracks….’

Well, if someone gets maimed or killed on our tracks, it’s due to their own stupidity, and I for one do not want to get bolted out of bed because of it!

I have also just spent over a year complaining directly to BNSF while logging the times of the horn blasts during the night – since I am awoken anyway – and it appears the times are consistent, so are more due to a precautionary measure than an emergency.

BNSF has now ceased the horn blasting significantly, and I for one am sleeping better because of it and suspect others are as well.

Cheryl Berti, White Rock



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