LETTERS: No winners, lots of losers


Re: White Rock staffers to return to work, June 3.


Re: White Rock staffers to return to work, June 3.

Now that the CUPE strike has been settled, it is abundantly clear that there were no real ‘winners.’

In the end, the losers are going to be we poor taxpayers – again.

The union leadership seemed bent on justifying their positions with their hard-line stance, and the keepers of our fiefdom followed suit. Both parties should ask themselves why things got to the point it did.

What should be obvious is that the City of White Rock cannot continue to sustain the resultant increases to its operating budget. Our obvious “salvation” would be for the City of Surrey to take us into their fold.

Otherwise, history is going to repeat itself and White Rock will end up a smaller model of some of the past bankruptcies in cities like Detroit.

Gus Nielsen, White Rock



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