LETTERS: North Saanich council wasting its time lingering on the past

Even a man holding a smoking gun over a dead body is given an opportunity to defend his actions in the court of public opinion.

Regarding your article of July 22, 2016, Compensation paid to (North Saanich CAO Rob) Buchan.

I would like to address a few comments made in this article. The SOFI report stated that $34,600 was paid to Mr. Buchan but Mayor Finall and Mr. Buchan have both stated the amount was $26,800. Was the difference put back into general revenue or did this amount get paid elsewhere? It was also stated that this payment was not made due to a “legal matter.” I question this comment. Retaining legal representation certainly indicates that this action was contemplated. I do object to using taxpayers money to make such a payment.

Your article also quotes Mr. Browne from a Nov. 7, 2012 meeting. We did not have a meeting on this date but several meetings were held on Nov. 5, 2012.

Listening to the webcast I could not find the quotation. I also have difficulty with partial quotations as they do not reflect the true nature of the comments.

Another problem I have is your article does not give Mr. Browne, Mr. Daly , Mr. Mearns or myself an opportunity to defend ourselves. Even a man holding a smoking gun over a dead body is given an opportunity to defend his actions in the court of public opinion.

Comments portraying actions by us as unprofessional is inappropriate and to a degree sour grapes. Disagreeing after all is our right and democratic.

Further to blame four councillors for the resignation of four staff members is also completely inappropriate. Unless you have personally interviewed these staff members or have copies of their letters of resignation (highly unlikely) these comments are just hearsay. Councillors were forbidden to speak with staff and all questions were to be vetted by Mr. Buchan.

Since our departure from council, staff members still take early retirement or quit or take stress leave. I personally feel these matters should be put to rest and this new council should focus on current items and not waste their time.

Conny McBride, North Saanich

Peninsula News Review